Purpose of the SCS Art Happenings Blog

The purpose of this blog is to provide an informative resource for Sigsbee Charter School (SCS) students and their families. The information included in this blog will pertain directly to the unit of study I am teaching in art class, enrichment class, and exploratory class. You will see pictures of artwork added to the blog as frequently as they are completed at school.

Sugar Kirk

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jim Toia

Artist Jim Toia came to visit Sigsbee on Monday.  Our 3rd through 6th grade students had a wonderful time learning about his project, "Petri Island", and about how they are going to participate.  Each student is creating a petri dish that visually answers the question, "what does an island mean to you?"  These petri dishes will be displayed by Jim Toia at the Studios of Key West this summer!  How exciting!  After the exhibit shows at the Studios of Key West, it will travel nation-wide and then world-wide.  What an amazing opportunity for our students!  Their artwork will be part of the traveling exhibit. Check out the embedded links above to learn more about the artist, the opportunity, and the gallery.