Purpose of the SCS Art Happenings Blog

The purpose of this blog is to provide an informative resource for Sigsbee Charter School (SCS) students and their families. The information included in this blog will pertain directly to the unit of study I am teaching in art class, enrichment class, and exploratory class. You will see pictures of artwork added to the blog as frequently as they are completed at school.

Sugar Kirk

Monday, April 30, 2012

While half of Ms. Lo's class was away, the others got to play!

Half of the class was still out on their field trip, the glass bottom boat I think, so we decided to to make pets and pizza out of clay. I really don't know how the idea for that combination came about, but look how cute they are. I love the dog eating the pizza. Funny.

 We couldn't keep the adorable art work, unfortunately, because the kiln is waiting to have power run to it. :(