Purpose of the SCS Art Happenings Blog

The purpose of this blog is to provide an informative resource for Sigsbee Charter School (SCS) students and their families. The information included in this blog will pertain directly to the unit of study I am teaching in art class, enrichment class, and exploratory class. You will see pictures of artwork added to the blog as frequently as they are completed at school.

Sugar Kirk

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Citizen's article on Jim Toia and the Petri Island project

Click this link to read the article.  Sigsbee Charter School is mentioned and one of our students is mentioned.  Read the article to find out who!
Petri Island article from The Citizen

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Petri Island Show

Jim Toia's "Petri Island" show opened tonight at The Studios of Key West.  What a fantastic show! Lots of great work by lots of great artists, but the highlight for me was, of course, "Petri Island". Thank you, Jim, for doing such a wonderful job displaying the work of our Sigsbee artists amongst the work of so many others. I also loved the binder of collected written explanations my students wrote to accompany their work. This show was one of the proudest moments for me as an art teacher. Thank you Sigsbee students for doing such an amazing job!  Go see the show!!

"Petri Island"

Mrs. Kirk holding the binder of student explanations

Jim Toia with Mrs. Kirk...two very proud artists!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Exciting art events!

Tonight, there will be a Pop Up Gallery at Fast Buck Freddies starting at 7:15pm.  It's going to be great!  Please come!

This Thursday, July 19th, is the official opening of Jim Toia's petri dish show.  This is the one all my students made a petri dish for.  Openings are always exciting events.  I'd love to see students and parents in attendance!  The opening lasts from 6 - 9 pm at The Studios of Key West.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Petri Dish Art Show!!! Please come!!

Hi everyone!  Happy summer!  Your petri dishes are currently being shown at the Studios of Key West.  They just opened the show today.  I'm not sure how long they will be up.  I'll check tomorrow when I go see them.  The Studios of Key West is located at

600 White Street  Key West, FL 33040
(305) 296-0458

Please take the time to go visit your beautiful work!